Much like a board room or any business, booster club management is vital for keeping regular tasks in check. To make this simpler and not too daunting of a job, it’s important to delegate responsibilities to other board members and to appoint great leadership.

Having the right people in charge can help to manage a booster club and make everything run smoothly. The easier you can make it run a booster club, the more time you can have for fun.

Setting Up Your Booster Club

Setting up and Planning for a Booster Club

To found a booster club, takes booster club management know-how along with a lot of paperwork to legalize it and get it up and running.

Here are a few things you’ll need to do to start a booster club:

  1. Come up with a name, logo, branding, and mission statement
  2. Write the Bylaws for the booster club to follow
  3. Legally register with the state and apply for nonprofit status
  4. Find volunteers to help run your booster club
  5. Brainstorm various fundraisers for your programs
  6. Raise funds and help the student body

On paper, setting up a booster club doesn’t seem hard. In reality, it isn’t; it’s just a lot of paperwork. The IRS requires booster clubs to follow specific guidelines for maintaining nonprofit status as well as submitting special tax reviews yearly.

It won’t matter if you are a sports booster club, orchestra booster club, or a ski club booster club, the pattern still follows the same path. The only difference is tha t you’ll shift your booster club management focus and mission statements to be in-line with the school program that you are supporting.

Once you’ve got the legal stuff down, you can move on to the booster club management and getting it up and running with the help of like-minded volunteers.

Establishing Your Board of Directors

Setting your booster club up for success starts with solid booster club management and is how you can build it up in a short period. Choosing the right people to be in control of the booster club management is an essential step.

You want to find people that possess excellent leadership skills and are motivated enough to be self-starters and team players.

Consider starting your booster club with these board seats:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

The IRS requires a minimum of 3 board member seats to be filled at any time, but the length of each term is up to the nonprofit group’s Bylaws. All persons appointed to fill these seats should know in advance how long they will be serving the position, and a detailed description outlining their duties while they are installed.

Establishing Your Board of Directors is the first in a game of business chess

Appointing Leadership For Booster Club Management

Leadership is key to the success of any Booster Club

You may find that while in the beginning stages of getting your booster club off the ground, it is easier to appoint the leadership roles rather than hold an election. This is fine, so long as those that are appointed to it understand:

  • How long they’ll be serving
  • If it counts as a term
  • When the first round of elections will be
  • If they are eligible to be elected to the office when elections are held.

These rules and guidelines for appointed leadership positions should be included in the booster club Bylaws to help any future occurrences when new members may need to be appointed to the board of directors to help fill in any unexpected gaps. This also helps to keep the booster club management fair both now and in the future.

Attracting And Managing Volunteers

Attracting volunteers to your booster club is very similar to how an employer would seek out new employees.

With Booster Club Management, you have to:

  • Get the word out that you exist
  • Hold fun events or training events that will get entice people to attend and see what you have to offer
  • Motivate people to join with you and support your cause

This can be described as recognition, retention, and motivation.

Once you’ve got the growing membership, it’s time to manage them. Help them to learn what you expect from them and how they can help.

Things that could be expected from volunteers would be any roles you may need to be covered or filled. Showing up to meetings and participating in fundraising events can be sufficient as well, so long as the booster clubs, basic needs are met.

When recruiting members, you can start by:

  • Reaching out to those that have donated time or money in the past
  • Seek out people with a genuine interest in your school’s program
  • Look for parents, staff, students, and alumni that may be interested

Sharing your mission statement with them and what you hope for the group to accomplish can help to give them a firm understanding of what you are looking for from them.

You can also use some booster club management tools to help gain volunteers. These include:

  • Sending out emails
  • Crowdfunding
  • Utilizing social media platforms

While this seems like a lot of effort, nonprofits benefit from volunteers because they can:

  • Help your booster club to meet its mission and better serve the school
  • Show community investment and support
  • Help you to reach new audiences and contributors
  • Endorse your organization to the public when they act as individuals and not as a representative of the group
  • Having more volunteers and members can also help to take some of the tasks necessary during meetings.

Having more volunteers and members can also help to take some of the tasks necessary during meetings.

Booster Club Volunteers having fun and building community

Holding Booster Club Meetings

A booster club meeting in progress

Booster clubs hold regular meetings because a meeting is when everything necessary happens.

  • Minutes are taken
  • Financial statements are read
  • Bills or documents requiring action are taken care of
  • The group discusses fundraiser ideas
  • They plan ways to promote the group and its cause
  • Membership applications are read
  • Votes and elections are held

One of the major topics discussed during a booster club meeting is the finances because they are so prominent in the day to day management of a booster club.

Financial Management

Booster club financial management is something that should always be taken seriously. Not only does proper financial management help the students that the booster club is supporting, but it also helps when it comes to the IRS.

Having financial documents, properly cared for, and organized can save a lot of time, headaches, and penalties around tax time.

While most booster clubs may rest all of the financial management on the shoulders of the group’s Treasurer, some of the jobs may be delegated and shared with other members.

Understand the best ways to Fund your booster club and its activities

Handing Off Leadership

Booster Club leadership working together

Sometimes, a job can come with too many responsibilities for a single person to handle. In these cases, handing off leadership can really help. Delegation is a great asset to booster club membership because it not only helps to release stress on some members, but it also gives non-board member booster club volunteers a chance to participate at a higher level.

Managing your parent organization relationship

Another part of booster club management is the managing of the parent relationships you’re building. As with all relationships, they require nurturing. Things that should be done include:

  • Establishing strong communication with parents from the beginning
  • Educating parents about what you are doing and how they can help
  • When parents have questions during booster club meetings, allow some cross-section questions and answers so that they feel heard and understood.
  • Attend to the needs of the parents that have children graduating or moving on to a new school the following year.
  • Host events for new parents with students in your school’s program so that they can see how your booster club is benefiting their kids.

By continuing to nurture the relationship between your booster club and parents, your booster club will reap a lot of benefits.

Children are more successful when all of the important people in their lives can be on the same team. When parents can see the booster club supporting their kids, they’ll feel more inclined to help, and both sides can work together to aid in student success.

Booster Club and its Volunteers work closely with their parent organizations

Managing Local Partnerships

Creating partnerships with your booster club can help your club grow

Due to the “community” nature of a booster club, it’s also essential to develop local partnerships. The community created between the parents, student body, and booster club volunteers and donors is one that should be taken seriously with booster club management.

By having a great partnership with your local community and businesses, you can increase:

  • Your opportunities for successful fundraisers
  • The help that is given to you by volunteers
  • The publicity for your events, merchandise sales, and other projects
  • You can also increase the amount of money that you earn for your students.

Being out in the community and getting local businesses to partner with you is beneficial to you and them. You can get the financial aspects for your group, while they get the tax write-off for helping a nonprofit.

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