Booster Club Marketing

Pros and Cons of a Booster Club Shopify Website

As you grow your booster club, you may be considering addin to your online presence by creating a booster club shopify website so that people can easily find you and find information about your club, events, and any merchandise you might sell. Sites like Shopify make designing and building your own website without knowing code extremely easy. The question is, is Shopify right for your booster club?  If not, then which platform should you use? Popular platforms offer different features and focuses, so choosing one depends on what kind of website you wish to create….

May 5, 2020 / by / in ,
Booster Club YouTube Marketing To Make An Impact

Whether you’re a rookie booster clubber or a long-standing booster club champion, you probably find yourself asking these questions: How do you grow and expand your club? How do you raise awareness and build participation? A really great way to grow your club is through booster club Youtube marketing. Yes, we are talking about joining the vast and exciting community of YouTube. This article details some fantastic ways that booster club YouTube marketing can help. We’re going to get really practical, so buckle up….

March 24, 2020 / by / in
Best Free Online Design Apps for Booster Clubs on a Budget

It would be fantastic if all your booster club had to do was announce a fundraising event on social media and have thousands show up in support. Truth is, this doesn’t happen for anyone, even the most skilled event planners.

Instead, you must create attractive and informative flyers to hand out to supporters. You must create promotional materials that will help market your booster club event – luckily there are plenty of free online design apps to help you!…

February 11, 2020 / by / in
Theater in our Schools Month – A Fundraising Bonanza for Your School Theater Program!

Theater in our schools month is full of great opportunities for your booster club and you are most likely missing out on them. With the proper planning and forethought, your booster club can use this month to do some unique school theater fundraisers and promotions. Bringing in more money to the extracurricular activity your club supports as well as promoting it are two things that you should want to do because it helps to better the student’s lives that much more….

February 4, 2020 / by / in ,
Why Valentines Day Fundraisers Generate So Much Revenue

The holidays are a great opportunity to make money for your booster club and starting in October you can see just how great they can be. From Halloween, all the way up until New Year you have at least one holiday per month for several months in a row. There is plenty of chances to make money during these holidays and your by the time they’re over your booster club should be pretty expert in holding and hosting fundraisers. Planning a Valentine’s Day fundraiser isn’t much different….

January 28, 2020 / by / in ,
Integrate A Booster Club Email Marketing Strategy

Any club, whether large or small can benefit from a booster club email marketing strategy. Larger companies such as Amazon and even Walmart have their own email marketing campaigns that help to drive additional business and revenue to their company. Taking that same concept and twisting it to the benefit of your booster club isn’t hard, and can be done with just a few hours of work a month….

December 17, 2019 / by / in
Create A Theater Booster Club To Grow Your School Theater Program

It happened. Your fifteen year old daughter came home and announced she wants to join the theater program at school. You nod in a way you hope looks encouraging while your mind fills with visions of shabby high schoolers slumped on a grungy stage, and your daughter sporting a nondescript costume that has been used since the 70s to represent A Beaver, Second Candlestick, and Juliet Capulet. You think: As long as this is just for fun in high school and doesn’t have her packing up for Los Angeles after graduation. …

December 9, 2019 / by / in , ,
The Best Solution to Build A Booster Club Website: WordPress, Wix or Squarespace

Having a booster club website is a must. Your website is your connection to the world when you can’t connect in person.

Your booster club website is how you will offer information about your vision, goals and mission. It is where you will provide news and updates regarding your programs and events. And it is also a place where you can conduct marketing activities for your group and collect money….

November 26, 2019 / by / in ,

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