Booster Club Management

Five Online Booster Club Accounting Programs

Accounting is one of the most important aspects of a business, and even more so with a non-profit business like a booster club. When most people managing a club start to think about bookkeeping and booster clubs accounting software, it seems impossibly complex – especially when you aren’t familiar with bookkeeping terminology and best practices. Finding an accounting program that you can learn easily and that assists you to manage your booster club finances helps ensure that your accounting will be efficient and precise. Booostr has researched five accounting programs that can help you better manage your booster club financials without costing an arm and a leg!…

November 27, 2018 / by / in ,
Booster Club Thanksgiving Fundraiser Ideas

Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and a new pair of stretchy pants to make room for more food. For booster clubs, it’s another season to create a fun supporting activity for your organization with the help of your community. has put together Booster Club Thanksgiving Fundraiser Ideas that are guaranteed to bring families and friends closer together all the while helping to raise funds to support your program….

November 20, 2018 / by / in , ,
Fundraising By Creating Booster Club Branded Merchandise

Whether it’s chocolates or t-shirts, creating booster club branded merchandise to fundraise is a go-to strategy for many non-profits’ success. In many cases creating booster club branded merchandise is a badge showing you are the official club of your school or activity. While the concept of selling branded merchandise has stayed the same throughout the years (1. Create a product, 2. promote the product and 3. sell the product) to financially support a school program – the tactics have continued to evolve….

November 13, 2018 / by / in ,
Five Tips To Manage Booster Club Volunteers

Now you have created your Booster Club, the next step you need to focus on is recruiting and how to manage booster club volunteers. Your booster club volunteers are one of the most important factors in the success of your booster club!  Your volunteers help your organization reach out to different communities, find donors, help with events, and provide guidance to students in the booster club activity. Your booster club volunteers are your biggest fans – so much so that they are willing to dedicate their personal time to help the cause….

November 7, 2018 / by / in
Booster Club Halloween Fundraiser Ideas

Halloween is the time of year where everyone embraces the spooky and outlandish with house decorations, full body costumes, and tributes to the more macabre kind of characters. It’s also the perfect time of year to think out the box with your fundraising ideas. has put together some booster club Halloween fundraiser ideas that are both fun for people of all ages and can help raise funds to support your program.

October 30, 2018 / by / in ,
How to Create a Booster Club

What is a Booster Club?  This is a question that arises quite often, and simply put – a booster club is an organization formed to support a number of different groups or activities. From athletic programs and sports teams, to science leagues, to music and band programs to drama departments, to art programs- really the list goes on and on! Booster clubs stand as one of the most effective not for profit organization structures to raise funds for specific smaller organizations or activities. With the flexibility to be used for a variety of different programs, booster clubs have continued to grow in popularity mainly throughout the education system….

October 24, 2018 / by / in
Create A Booster Club For Your School Fine Arts Program

A fine arts program combines all types of visual arts mediums from drawing and painting to sculpture to digital visual arts. There a large number of any student body that gravitate towards creative arts and while it is incredibly important to support those student interests, in most cases visual arts are the first to feel school budgetary pinches. Visual art booster clubs are created with the hope of maintaining and growing arts programs within schools. Even the littlest contribution to a booster club make can impact whether or not a visual arts program endures. We value the arts like any other student activity at and have put together a simple guide to create your own fine arts booster club.

October 17, 2018 / by / in ,
What Should My Booster Club Articles of Incorporation Include?

Whether you’re planning on incorporating your athletic booster club to benefit from tax exemptions or your looking for access for both private and public grants for your academic booster club, you will need to understand how to properly write your booster club Articles of Incorporation. In order to be legally recognized as a corporation, you will need to create your  booster club articles of incorporation and file it with the Office of the Secretary of State in the state you wish to incorporate. In short, this set of formal documents is required by the IRS in recognizing the incorporation of your booster club and drafts the basic information needed to form a corporation, the governance of a corporation and the corporate statutes in the state where the articles of incorporation are filed.

It is necessary to keep in mind that  Articles of Incorporation differs from the Articles of Association. Since you are registering your booster club as an incorporation, you want to make sure that you follow the guidelines on how to write the Articles of Incorporation….

October 10, 2018 / by / in
Create a Booster Club to Support Your Student Jazz Band

Is there an excellent Jazz band at your school that has continued to struggle even though they have immense talent? Perhaps they lack proper instruments, promotions and / or additional learning opportunities. Well your school Jazz band is not the only one facing these uphill battles. Every school has amazing talent in niche focuses like Jazz band, but due to tightened budgets, schools generally do not have enough funds to support these smaller groups properly. Instead of letting your school Jazz band and the talented students who participate fade away, consider stepping up to create a Student Jazz Band booster club. A Jazz band booster club is probably the best way to support the students interested in studying and playing Jazz in all of the different ways it needs help.

October 3, 2018 / by / in ,
Run A Facebook Ad For A Booster Club

A lot of booster clubs do not have a very good understanding of how to advertise online, much less how to run a Facebook Ad for a booster club . Adding to that, many booster clubs are already strained for resources, so trying to find the time to learn how to advertising on Facebook for their booster club, is just not very high on the priority list.  We here at Booostr aim to offer at least some basic insight that we feel can help lower that learning threshold for all of the hardworking booster clubs out there!

September 21, 2018 / by / in ,

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