Selena Lundy

  • Selena Lundy
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5 Booster Club Mardi Gras Fundraiser Ideas

There’s a lot to think about when March rolls around – a snow thaw, spring break, tax season, summer around the corner. But one that at times gets overlooked is the most recognizable March festivity: Mardi Gras! This is the celebration of eating and drinking all the things that are bad for you before lent starts!  Not only is it a great opportunity to let loose, but this party provides a plethora of Booster Club Mardi Gras fundraiser ideas. Mardi Gras is the perfect spring kick off to your fundraising season that will intrigue your school community….

February 19, 2019 / by / in
A Guide to Booster Club Online Advertising Strategies

Before the internet, booster club online advertising was non-existent. Word of mouth, flyers and corkboard posters were the only way to let your community know what was happening with your booster club. School programs that needed funding sent students home to go house to house to sell goodies or held bake sales in front of the local grocery store. With the advent of the internet, there has come a wide range of booster club online advertising options to spread awareness for your club events. Read on to learn some different online advertising tactics you can utilize to grow your booster club’s visibility!…

February 12, 2019 / by / in
Start A Ski Club Booster Club or Snowboard Club Booster Club

Does your school have a ski or snowboard club that doesn’t hit the slopes as much as you wished it did? In many cases this is due to a lack of, or at least very minimal funding. Equipment, transportation, and those much-needed snacks cost money. Money that can’t always come straight from the pockets of club members or be provided by the school budget. This is where creating a ski club booster club and/or a snowboard club booster club comes in to play. A booster club for your Ski Club or Snowboard Club could be the best weapon in your arsenal to support your funding needs. We here have at have put together a simple guide explaining why and how to build your own booster club for your Ski Club or Snowboard Club….

January 16, 2019 / by / in ,
Coordinate Booster Club Fundraising, Minimize Booster Club Competition

When there are multiple booster clubs being represented within a single school, it’s easy to understand why raising money might feel like an upward battle. It isn’t always easy when booster clubs tend to be placed side by side, hoping that community members will support your club over, or in addition to other booster clubs. Between sports teams, drama departments, music groups, and art programs, the number of possible booster clubs a community can help is endless. In a lot of cases all of the clubs end up trying to earn funding for their organization at the same time from the same sources. Before long, sustaining booster club funding starts to become more and more difficult. Instead of going through the fundraiser season with booster club competition, follow these ideas to turn it into a win win win when you coordinate booster club fundraising in your community.

December 12, 2018 / by / in , ,
Booster Club Thanksgiving Fundraiser Ideas

Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and a new pair of stretchy pants to make room for more food. For booster clubs, it’s another season to create a fun supporting activity for your organization with the help of your community. has put together Booster Club Thanksgiving Fundraiser Ideas that are guaranteed to bring families and friends closer together all the while helping to raise funds to support your program….

November 20, 2018 / by / in , ,
Fundraising By Creating Booster Club Branded Merchandise

Whether it’s chocolates or t-shirts, creating booster club branded merchandise to fundraise is a go-to strategy for many non-profits’ success. In many cases creating booster club branded merchandise is a badge showing you are the official club of your school or activity. While the concept of selling branded merchandise has stayed the same throughout the years (1. Create a product, 2. promote the product and 3. sell the product) to financially support a school program – the tactics have continued to evolve….

November 13, 2018 / by / in ,
Booster Club Halloween Fundraiser Ideas

Halloween is the time of year where everyone embraces the spooky and outlandish with house decorations, full body costumes, and tributes to the more macabre kind of characters. It’s also the perfect time of year to think out the box with your fundraising ideas. has put together some booster club Halloween fundraiser ideas that are both fun for people of all ages and can help raise funds to support your program.

October 30, 2018 / by / in ,
How to Create a Booster Club

What is a Booster Club?  This is a question that arises quite often, and simply put – a booster club is an organization formed to support a number of different groups or activities. From athletic programs and sports teams, to science leagues, to music and band programs to drama departments, to art programs- really the list goes on and on! Booster clubs stand as one of the most effective not for profit organization structures to raise funds for specific smaller organizations or activities. With the flexibility to be used for a variety of different programs, booster clubs have continued to grow in popularity mainly throughout the education system….

October 24, 2018 / by / in

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